Available Emotion Translations
Obtaining Translations
- Information about translations of Cognition, Motor, and Sensation performance tests is available at NIHToolbox.org.
- Spanish self- and parent report Emotion and select Sensation measures will soon be available.
Translation Methodology
Translations result from a process of forward and back-translation, multiple expert reviews, harmonization across languages, and cognitive debriefing with a sample of native speakers of the target language (linguistic validation). A universal approach to translation ensures that, whenever possible, one language version is created for multiple countries instead of country-specific versions of the same language.
Gershon et al. (2020) describes the development of the Spanish NIH Toolbox. Fox et al. reports on reliability and validity of Spanish NIH Toolbox.
Gershon, R.C., Fox, R.S., Manly, J.J., Mungas, D.M., Nowinski, C.J., Roney, E.M., & Slotkin, J. (2020). The NIH Toolbox: Overview and development for use with Hispanic populations. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Feb 17, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S1355617720000028.
Fox, R.S., Manly, J.J., Slotkin, J., Peipert, J.D., & Gershon, R.C. (in press). Reliability and validity of the Spanish-language version of the NIH Toolbox. Assessment.
Distribution fee – We charge a distribution fee of $875 USD per Emotion measure, per language. This distribution fee applies to NIH Toolbox Emotion measures that are already translated. Some Spanish measures are available to download as PDFs in Search & View Measures, but please contact translations@HealthMeasures.net for use of any Emotion translation as fees may apply. The distribution fee can be waived in some cases, such as for individual use by students or academic investigators. Commercial users and corporations (for-profit and not-for-profit) are expected to pay distribution fees for any translated Emotion measure in any language. The distribution fee covers the distribution of the Emotion measure(s), the preparation of the license agreement, and the certification of translation(s). All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service and included in the license agreement. Translated materials are delivered after the license agreement is fully executed.
Quality Review and Harmonization fee – For new NIH Toolbox Emotion translations, we conduct a quality review of each translation and verify harmonization across languages. The review fee is estimated based on a per hour fee and the number of items and languages to translate. Time for preparing materials for new Emotion translations (i.e., cross-referencing measures, gathering items already translated for each language, and selecting relevant item definitions) is also included. All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service and included in the license agreement. Translation materials are provided after the license agreement is fully executed.
HealthMeasures Electronic Administration Permission (HEAP) fee – Users who want to integrate HealthMeasures into an electronic or digital administration platform need to request permission and complete a review. The fee charged for the review and approval process varies depending on specific factors of the study. This fee covers the time spent preparing permissions and providing guidance on the appearance of items in the respondent interface (only the English version that serves as a template). All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service. See the Static Forms section on Pricing for Software Applications for details.
Future Translations
Email translations@healthmeasures.net if you are interested in developing a new translation of NIH Toolbox Emotion measures.
Email Help@NIHToolbox.org if you are interested in developing a new translation of NIH Toolbox Cognition, Motor, or Sensation measures.
Last updated on 9/27/2023