Helpful Resources
View the Available Translations page for a list of non-English language versions of PROMIS measures.
Contact us to obtain copies of measures available in languages other than English or Spanish and to discuss developing additional translations.
PROMIS® International
The PROMIS Health Organization (PHO) International Committee is a collaboration of scientists and clinicians with interests in optimizing and harmonizing global use of PROMIS instruments and related resources for research, care and population monitoring. The PHO International Committee is part of the PHO and collaborates with the PHO Board to identify, coordinate, and promote best practices to develop, translate, validate, and utilize PROMIS instruments across countries.
Additional information about the committee’s scientific activities and opportunities to get involved can be found on the PROMIS Health Organization website>>
To learn more about the efforts in a specific country, contact the PROMIS National Centers.
Selected PROMIS® International publications
Development of a Computer Adaptive Test for Depression Based on the Dutch-Flemish Version of the PROMIS Item Bank
Abstract: We developed a Dutch-Flemish version of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) adult V1.0 item bank for depression as input for computerized adaptive testing (CAT). As item bank, we used the Dutch-Flemish translation of the original PROMIS item bank (28 items) and additionally translated 28 U.S. depression items that failed to make the final U.S. item bank. Through psychometric analysis of a combined clinical and general population sample (N = 2,010), 8 added items were removed. With the final item bank, we performed several CAT simulations to assess the efficiency of the extended (48 items) and the original item bank (28 items), using various stopping rules. Both item banks resulted in highly efficient and precise measurement of depression and showed high similarity between the CAT simulation scores and the full item bank scores. We discuss the implications of using each item bank and stopping rule for further CAT development.
Validity of the PROMIS Depression and Anxiety Common Metrics in an Online Sample of Australian Adults
Recent US-based studies have utilized item response theory (IRT) to equate several self-report scales for depression and anxiety using the PROMIS depression and anxiety common metrics. The current study reports on the validity of the US-based equating procedures for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and Kessler 6 psychological distress scale (K6) to equate scores in a large online sample of Australian adults.
Last updated on 10/21/22