- Posts: 42
HealthMeasures can provide a scoring table for custom short forms. Contact our help desk at help@healthmeasures.net to learn more.
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We don’t share item parameters, except for approved psychometric research projects. If you need more information, please reach out to us at help@healthmeasures.net
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I checked the R package and it seems that I need to have a Anchor data (including slope parameter value, the category boundary parameter values). How can I get the specify Anchor data? My questionnaire is "PROMIS® Item Bank v2.0 – Physical Function 15-item Custom Short Form" but I can not find the conversion table in the ROMIS-PF scoring manual. How can I get the conversion table for my PROMIS-PF form? And one more question, if one of the item is missing, how can I calculate the T-score if I don't use the HealthMeasures Scoring Service.
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We apply the polytomous version of the Lord–Wingersky algorithm (Lord and Wingersky 1984; Thissen et al. 1995). Details and examples of the algorithm are provided by Thissen et al. (1995) and Cai (2015, pp. 537–541).
A T-score to summed-score table can be made with the R package PROsetta (Choi et al.,2021) and the function getRSSS. It can also be made with commercial software IRT PRO and flexMIRT. It appears that PROC IRT does not have this particular scoring feature, but perhaps others on the forum can comment on this. Regardless, for this to be valid for PROMIS items, standard PROMIS item parameters need to be supplied, which requires permission.
Lord, F. M., & Wingersky, M. S. (1984). Comparison of IRT true-score and equipercentile observed-score equatings. Applied Psychological Measurement, 8(4), 453–461.
Cai, L. (2015). Lord–Wingersky algorithm version 2.0 for hierarchical item factor models with applications in test scoring, scale alignment, and model fit testing. Psychometrika, 80(2), 535–559.
Choi, S. W., Lim, S., Schalet, B. D., Kaat, A. J., & Cella, D. (2021). PROsetta: An R Package for Linking Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. Applied Psychological Measurement, 01466216211013106.
Thissen, D., Pommerich, M., Billeaud, K., & Williams, V. S. (1995). Item response theory for scores on tests including polytomous items with ordered responses. Applied Psychological Measurement, 19(1), 39–49.
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I read the ROMIS-PF scoring manual and it mentioned that we can calculate T-score by using the tables. Could I know how is the scoring table come from? Can we create the scoring table by ourselves via SAS (PROC IRT)? Thank you.
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