Pricing for Services
HealthMeasures delivers free access to hundreds of self- and proxy-report measures from the four measurement systems, along with information to help users select, administer, score, and interpret measures. Utilization of the Assessment CenterSM API and other administration platforms carry fees associated with maintaining and updating these technologies. HealthMeasures consultation, training, custom software development, and translation services are available with pricing available by quote.
All services are performed under a cost-recovery business model with no profit motivation. For more information, contact
Costs for Services
For instances when the administration platform does not automatically calculate a score, other scoring methods are available. The first option is the HealthMeasures Scoring Service, a web-based tool that calculates scores for most PROMIS®, Neuro-QoL™, ASCQ-Me®, and NIH Toolbox® Emotion original and custom short forms. A user uploads a file with response scores and receives a scored file by email. The second option is to use the Assessment Center API, a licensed web service installed on your desired server. This keeps data behind your firewall and like the HealthMeasures Scoring Service, uses the preferred approach to scoring (response pattern scoring). The third option is to calculate scores by hand using instructions in Scoring Manuals. Learn more>>
HealthMeasures Scoring Service................................Free
Assessment Center API............................................License Fee
HealthMeasures Scoring Manuals...............................Free
We offer training and consulting on all aspects of measurement, from instrument development to quantitative analysis of data, and planning for clinical research and clinical care. For advice beyond an initial consultation, HealthMeasures experts can be included as co-investigators on grant/contract submissions for a specified percent effort or as consultants on a fee-for-service model. Our scientists are trained in methods applied to the development of HealthMeasures tools, including qualitative and quantitative methods. This includes item response theory (IRT) methods and their many applications, such as custom short form development and computer adaptive testing (CAT). Our team also has expertise in clinical trial planning, including research design, psychometrics and regulatory strategy. For further information, please contact us at
Consultation and analysis.............................Hourly fee or funded percent effort
Clinical trial planning....................................By quote
We periodically offer workshops and training opportunities through HealthMeasures and the PROMIS Health Organization. These include education on measurement topics (e.g., hands-on training to link the scores from different measures) and application of HealthMeasures (e.g., use of patient-reported outcomes in clinical practice). Some webinars are available on demand. See Workshops and Events or contact us at to discuss custom trainings.
Training session or workshop.....................Priced per event
Custom workshop.....................................By quote
Our information technology team has over a decade of experience developing solutions for a wide range of assessment and intervention projects in research, education, and clinical settings. Please contact us at for additional information.
Custom software............................................By quote
CAT Algorithms, IRT Parameters, and Test Cases are available as part of the Assessment Center API license (see Assessment Center Application Programming Interface). We do not directly provide CAT algorithms or CAT algorithm code. The algorithms and some of the parameters used in various HealthMeasures instrument systems are available in the published literature.
HealthMeasures does not directly translate its measures into other languages. However, we do manage all of the translation efforts to ensure quality and consistency. Information about required translation methodology and referral to approved translation vendors can be made by HealthMeasures staff. For more information, please contact us at
Distribution fee – We charge a distribution fee of $875 USD per measure, per language. This distribution fee applies to measures that are already translated. Some Spanish measures are available to download as PDFs in Search & View Measures, but please contact for use of any translation as fees may apply. The distribution fee can be waived in some cases, such as for individual use by students or academic investigators. Commercial users and corporations (for-profit and not-for-profit) are expected to pay distribution fees for any translated measure in any language. The distribution fee covers the distribution of the measure(s), the preparation of the license agreement, and the certification of translation(s). All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service and included in the license agreement. Translated materials are delivered after the license agreement is fully executed.
Quality Review and Harmonization fee – For new translations, we conduct a quality review of each translation and verify harmonization across languages. The review fee is estimated based on a per hour fee and the number of items and languages to translate. Time for preparing materials for new translations (i.e., cross-referencing measures, gathering items already translated for each language, and selecting relevant item definitions) is also included. All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service and included in the license agreement. Translation materials are provided after the license agreement is fully executed.
HealthMeasures Electronic Administration Permission (HEAP) fee – Users who want to integrate HealthMeasures into an electronic or digital administration platform need to request permission and complete a review. The fee charged for the review and approval process varies depending on specific factors of the study. This fee covers the time spent preparing permissions and providing guidance on the appearance of items in the respondent interface (only the English version that serves as a template). All costs are submitted in a quote prior to service. See the Static Forms section on Pricing for Software Applications for details.
Consultation on translation methodology........................................................By quote
Item translatability review (cost based on # of items and languages).................By quote
Researchers may be interested in having a measure they develop disseminated through various HealthMeasures mechanisms. There are two options for dissemination. API Integration enables widespread access to a measure in a variety of administration platforms using the measure’s original brand. Adoption into HealthMeasures also enables widespread access to a measure but the measure is branded as PROMIS or Neuro-QoL. Adoption involves partnering with HealthMeasures and completing a detailed review.
Contact for more information.
Integration into the Assessment Center API........................................By quote
Adoption into PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, ASCQ-Me, or NIH Toolbox...................By quote
Last updated on 9/1/2023