HealthMeasures User Community
HealthMeasures is a growing community of innovators using PROMIS®, Neuro-QoLTM, ASCQ-Me®, and NIH Toolbox® to assess physical, mental, and social health along with sensory, motor and cognitive function. We invite you to learn more about our featured resources.
Learn more about upcoming and on demand HealthMeasures and PROMIS Health Organization trainings, presentations, and conferences.
The HealthMeasures User Form is an online platform that encourages interaction within the diverse and rapidly-growing network of HealthMeasures users. Search the forum by topic or start your own thread. Guidelines to Forum use>>
HealthMeasures and the PROMIS Health Organization circulates periodic emails that feature best practices from researchers and institutions around the world, measurement scientific updates, and upcoming trainings and workshops, all delivered straight to your inbox. Stay in touch!