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HealthMeasures Updates

Join the HealthMeasures and PROMIS Health Organization Listservs to receive timely updates delivered straight to your inbox, including: 

  • Best practices and time-saving solutions used by institutions around the world that have integrated PROMIS®, Neuro-QoL™, ASCQ-Me®, and NIH Toolbox® into clinical research, clinical care, and quality measurement
  • Emerging trends and scientific updates that are shaping the future of measurement science and application
  • Trainings, workshops, and presentations that guide application, use, and understanding of the four HealthMeasures measurement systems
  • HealthMeasures users who demonstrate successes in the field of outcomes assessment

Want to be a featured HealthMeasures user? 

We'd like to showcase the work you are doing with any of the four HealthMeasures measurement systems. Contact us at userstories@healthmeasures.net and include the following:

  • Brief description of your work using PROMIS, Neuro-QoL, ASCQ-Me, or NIH Toolbox
  • Photo of yourself (optional)
  • Link or PDF of any relevant publications, posters, or manuscripts (optional)